Can you balance something on your head? Maybe a book, or plate, or maybe something more skilled like a football. No matter what skills you have, you will never be able to balance the sorts of things these cats can on their heads…

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A coffee mug is pretty heavy, but I get the feeling there is a helping hand we can’t see.

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It’s not easy trying to balance a chicken on your head, but it’s a little bit easier when that chicken is still young.

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Not only do these toy traffic cones have flat bottoms making it easier, but they also make the cat look like it has devils horns!

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Full marks for trying, but it looks like this kitty might be cheating and leaning the bottle onto something.
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I would have been a lot more impressed if the Sellotape roll was on its side. But I suppose as long as it’s not stuck down, it still counts.

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Balancing one empty can on your head is a challenge, but as you will come to see, one can don’t cut the talent mark on this list.

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The TV remote is not an easy thing to balance on one’s swede. You need to take into account the extra weight of the batteries end which this cat has done with style.

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Trust Shironeko to be the showoff. This is one cat that doesn’t care what you stick on its head. Just as long as its nothing noisy so he can still sleep.
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Not even I can do this! Well, long enough to get a picture of it anyway. Fair play, that is one very still puss.

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It looks like we have a winner with not one, not two, but three drinks cans on its head! I bet they are all empty, but impressive nevertheless.