Here in the UK, we eat an astonishing amount of crisps it all sorts of shapes, styles and brand names. But what is consistent is the flavours they are and these ten are the UK’s most loved and therefore best-selling flavours of crisps…

10 – Chilli (Estimated Sales Numbers: 116,000 Packets Per Year)
Last year Chilli didn’t make it into the top 10, but it seems its a growing favourite mostly down to posher brands of crisps adapting to them.

9 – BBQ (Estimated Sales Numbers: 200,000 Packets Per Year)
BBQ is a flavour that seems to go up and down like a fiddlers elbow. But this year it seems to land in number 9.

8 – Tomato Ketchup (Estimated Sales Numbers: 213,000 Packets Per Year)
If ever there was a flavour that says BRITISH on it it’s this one. Us Brits like Tomato Ketchup on just about everything!

7 – Prawn Cocktail (Estimated Sales Numbers: 275,000 Packets Per Year)
Prawn Cocktail is a flavour of crisp that sounds more disgusting than it actually is. It is also my personal favourite.
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6 – Chicken (Estimated Sales Numbers: 301,000 Packets Per Year)
You know where you are with Chicken crisps. They always taste the same and they are also a nice strong flavour.

5 – Bacon (Estimated Sales Numbers: 485,000 Packets Per Year)
Bacon crips come in so many shapes and brands that I could make a top 100 out of this flavour alone. I’m a Frazzles fan myself, but I am also happy to go with Walkers.

4 – Beef (Estimated Sales Numbers: 569,000 Packets Per Year)
A lot of people choose Beef because it’s a strong flavour. You can smell beef crisps on someone’s breath for a month afterwards! (slight exaggeration).

3 – Salt & Vinegar (Estimated Sales Numbers: 790,000 Packets Per Year)
It’s a flavour that is close enough to a small bag of chips for people to want more and more of them. Plus, once again they come in a number of shapes and brands.
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2 – Cheese & Onion (Estimated Sales Numbers: 709,000 Packets Per Year)
Meat eaters love them, veggies love them and even Vegans love them with the right brand. Cheese & Onion is like an old friend who never lets you down.

1 – Ready Salted (Estimated Sales Numbers: 1.3 Million Packets Per Year)
Year on year it is always Ready Salted that comes out on top. Maybe it’s a British thing, or maybe it’s that slightly salted flavour that keeps us coming back for more.