Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Ten Funny Pictures of Animals With a Mouthful of Something

Yes, it is childish but I like hanging out with my friends. We talk rubbish, play a video game and are always challenging each other to do more and more stupid things. And it was one of those stupid things that this post is inspired from. You see a friend (names removed to protect the stupid) challenged another friend to see how many custard cream biscuits he could fit in his mouth! While at the time I thought 6 of them was an impressive feat it seems the animal kingdom can do much better…


BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Various Animals


prairie dog with a mouthful of straw

10 – Prairie Dog

Did you Know: The prairie dog is actually a member of the squirrel family!

Chipmunk with a mouthful of nut

9 – Chipmunk

Did you Know: While there are a known 25 species of chipmunk there is in fact only 1 that doesn’t live in North America and that is the Asiatic breed!

Puffin with a mouthful of Sandeels

8 – Puffin

Did you Know: Puffins are in fact cousins of the penguin!

Orangutan with a mouthful of apples

7 – Orangutan

Did you Know: There is only two species of the orangutan in the whole world, the Bornean orangutan and Sumatran orangutan and they are both called those names because of the islands they live on!

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yellow-headed jawfish with a mouthful of baby yellow-headed jawfish

6 – yellow-headed jawfish

Did you Know: Among rare mouthbrooders the male fertilises the eggs and then collects them in his mouth, protecting them until they hatch!

gorilla with a mouthful of carrots

5 – Gorilla

Did you Know: The average Gorilla is over 6ft tall and about 500 pounds in weight!

Giraffe with a mouthful of grass

4 – Giraffe

Did you Know: The giraffe’s lifespan is only 20 to 25 years

Tortoise with a mouthful of lettuce

3 – Tortoise

Did you Know: The top domed part of the turtle (shell) is called the carapace, and the bottom (underlying) part is called the plastron!

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Boxer dog with a mouthful of tennis balls

2 – Boxer dog

Did you Know: When you see a white boxer dog you are not seeing an albino that is just their colour and is the only species of dog to have this. All other white dogs are like that because of a genetic mutation.

Pikas with a mouthful of wildflowers

1 – Pikas with a mouthful of wildflowers

Did you Know:  The Pika is called a “whistling hare” due to the high-pitched alarm call noise it makes while diving into its burrow.

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