Ten Disabled but Very Inspirational Animals in Wheelchairs

Way back in 2004 when I broke my toe by tripping over a wooden stump in the woods while walking the dog I had to sit in a wheelchair so they could wheel me around the A&E here there and everywhere. That day I saw a tiny glimpse of how hard life can be when you have to live your whole day-to-day life in one. But it is not just us humans that have use of wheelchairs you know, there are many disabled animals…


BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Animals


turtle in a wheelchair
turtle in a wheelchair

10 – Tzvika the Turtle

Fact: The average shell of a turtle is made up of 59 to 61 bones and is made of the same material as fingernails, leading some to commonly refer to them as “snails”

dog in a wheelchair
dog in a wheelchair

9 – Dog

Fact: The skeleton of the domestic dog has an average of 321 bones, with variation reflecting differences in the number of bones in the tail.

duck in a wheelchair
duck in a wheelchair

8 – Lemon The Duck

Fact: It mostly depends on what type of duck it is, but most ducks average between 112 and 122 bones in their body. (For more about Lemon please do visit Lemon’s website by clicking on the image because there are some amazing books and a great story to know)

chicken in a wheelchair
chicken in a wheelchair

7 – Toofani the Hen

Fact: there are 307 bones in a chicken but the main primary bones re: Atlas, Carpus, Clavicle, Coracoid, Epistropheus, Humerus, Illium, Incisive, Ischium, Lacrymal, Mandible, Metacarpus, Metatarsus, Nasal, Occipital,Patella, Phalanges, Pubis, Pygostyle, Quadrate, Radius, Scapula, Sternum, Ulna, Tibia

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sheep in a wheelchair
sheep in a wheelchair

6 – Buster the Sheep

Fact: There are 50 bones in the skeleton of a sheep and the skull is made up from 4 different bones!

goat in a wheelchair
goat in a wheelchair

5 – Atlas the Goat

Fact: The average amount of bones is a mountain goat is 189, but the average amount of bones in a domestic field goat is only 183.

alpaca in a wheelchair
alpaca in a wheelchair

4 – Holli the Alpaca

Fact: The alpaca lacks the bone structure to support weights much greater than their own natural body weight, so if you think you see one loaded up with bags in some mountain country, it is always a Lama, not an alpaca.

guinea pig in a wheelchair
guinea pig in a wheelchair

3 –  Patch the guinea pig

Fact: The skeleton of a Guinea Pig can be separated into three separate parts. (1) – The axial skeleton which contains the skull, the hyoid apparatus, the vertebrae, the ribs and the sternum. (2) – The appendicular skeleton which contains the pectoral and pelvic girdle and the pectoral and pelvic limbs. (3) – The heterotopic skeleton which contains the sesamoid bones.

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Miniature Horse in a wheelchair
Miniature Horse in a wheelchair

2 – Harry the Miniature Horse

Fact: A miniature horse’s body is made up of 210 individual bones which are EXACTLY the same as its full-grown counterpart.

rabbit in a wheelchair
rabbit in a wheelchair

1 –  Rabbit

Fact: The skeleton of a rabbit is made up of 23 kinds of bone and a rabbit’s teeth will never, ever stop growing!

Author: Gus Barge

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