Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone

Should I get my son or daughter a smartphone? This is one of the toughest questions that a parent has to answer. Since there are all kinds of good and bad examples in the society, it can be very confusing for most parents. Today we will tell you why students must have smartphones. Since Technology is upgrading and changing rapidly it has become very cost-effective for people to buy cell phones of their choices at affordable prices, which is why almost everyone in developed and even developing countries like Pakistan, India, Brazil etc people have at least one handset, but in any case low prices should not be the reason when future of your kid is at stake, for that reason we have carefully curated following points that you should consider if you think it’s a bad idea to get your kid a cell phone…



Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Navigation – It’s Not Just for Cars!

10 – Navigation – It’s Not Just for Cars!

Students may end up on the wrong side of the town no matter how careful they are. GPS functionality in the smartphones can help students get where they want in the safest manner. Many parents also track GPS of their children to ensure that they have not wandered off to a place that can be dangerous for them. GPS can be extremely useful when you move into a new neighbourhood or a new school district.

Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
More Internet equals More Information!

9 – More Internet equals More Information!

According to an infographic published by eLearningInfographics, 67% of the students said that they use their smartphones to look for information. This trend is also visible in the college students, 45% of whom claimed that they use smartphones to search for information to settle arguments. The use of a smartphone to look for information makes students more knowledgeable and aware.

Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Stay In Touch via Photos

8 – Stay In Touch via Photos

A picture is worth a thousand words! Pictures in a student’s smartphone can describe not only his or her recent activities but also academic standings. If your son’s phone has a picture of a friend lighting up a smoke, you would be able to guess pretty easily why his grades are falling! Students post many pictures to the social media that can tell the parents about their new friends and hobbies too. This can lead to a better relationship between your child and you.

Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Smartphone – Replacing Calculators

7 – Smartphone – Replacing Calculators

Smartphones are getting advanced day by day and replacing even the most complex calculators. The graphing calculators were thought to be very advanced 3 to 4 years from now. However, now there are many smartphone calculators that have much-advanced functions. Moreover, there are a number of apps that can help you perform functions and solve equations that are normally not possible using a normal calculator.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Learn To Make Notes and Schedule Work

6 – Learn To Make Notes and Schedule Work

Making notes and scheduling tasks is an art that can make one’s life very comfortable. Students can use one of the many note taking apps on their smartphones to adopt this useful habit. This can also help them keep track of their school work and different activities at home. Once students adopt the habit of scheduling, they have much better productivity as adults too!

Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Everyone Needs Entertainment!

5 – Everyone Needs Entertainment!

Students are one of the most entertainment hungry members of our society. Being young and energetic, they have more interest in music, movies and games than smartphone users from any other age group. A good smartphone can eliminate the need to carry a separate iPod for music and Gameboy to play games. Although the smartphone gaming capabilities not might be at par with gaming consoles yet, but with the fast paced technology of today’s world, the smartphones will offer excellent gaming capabilities within a few short years.

Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Apps Make Homework Easy

4 – Apps Make Homework Easy

There are tonnes of apps from simple dictionaries to electronic circuit simulation apps that can help students with their homework. These apps will also help students think out of the box and do some experiments. For example, a student might not be able to mix different chemicals just for fun at his school lab. However, with your smartphone app, you will be able to see what mixing different chemicals will do without any risk. Another very interesting infographics from eLearningInfographics it mentions that students who study on their mobile, study 40 minutes more each week than other students as the smartphone is with them all the time.

Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Communicating with Friends and Family

3 – Communicating with Friends and Family

The smartphone is used very often for communicating with friends and arranging meet-ups. There is no doubt that being able to communicate has a number of benefits for people from any age group. This can also greatly aid the students if they are in any trouble and require assistance from a parent or an elder. The good people at eLearningInfographics maintain that students having a smartphone will study more efficiently than students who do not own one. This does not only involve more studying, but also good studying habits and tracking records to evaluate where they need to put in more effort.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Low Cost

2 – Low Cost

Other than all the reasons mentioned above, it is a fact that mobile phones are relatively cheaper than they used to be before, it was much more expensive to have a mobile phone couple of years ago than what it is now. If you don’t want to buy your kid an expensive iPhone or any other smartphone, you can buy them a low-end Nokia or Samsung mobile that comes with basic features, it can normally be acquired at about $20 to $50 dollars and does the pretty good job at it.

Top 10 Reasons Why Students Should Get a Smartphone
Track Usage

1 – Trackable Usage

Last but not least, if you are too concerned about the well-being of your kid, you can install a couple of apps that can let you know of their whereabouts, you will know when they bunk the school. Also, if God forbid some mishap occurs to them, you will be able to track them down pretty instantly. There are some apps that can even monitor the usage of their phone, this way you can know what are they spending their time on and guide them through if you spot something dodgy or obnoxious.

Author: Gus Barge

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