Ten Animals Using Drinking Straws Just Like Us Humans Do

Today my friend said something the deeply worried me. I asked what his plans were for the week and he told me (in his own words) “well I am quite busy, I have been training my Shetland Sheepdog to drink from a straw to get some advert footage I need.” I thought he had lost it, but it seems that dogs are not the only animals that can drink from straws…


BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Drinking Straws


Cockatiel using a drinking straw
Cockatiel using a drinking straw

10 – “It must be the cocktail hour, so let me have a little drink and I will shake my rear!”

Fact: In 1906, the first machine was invented by Marvin Stone to machine wind straws, ending the hand-winding process!

Crow using a drinking straw
Crow using a drinking straw

9 – “All that flying makes me very thirsty indeed.”

Fact: Marvin Stone decided the ideal straw was 8 1/2-inches long with a diameter just wide enough to prevent things like lemon seeds from being lodged in the tube.

Naked Mole Rat using a drinking straw
Naked Mole Rat using a drinking straw

8 – “I always get naked after a few drinks!”

Fact: A prototype of the straw was a paraffin-coated manila paper, so the straws would not become soggy while someone was drinking!

Hummingbird using a drinking straw
Hummingbird using a drinking straw

7 – “Well if it looks like a flower and smells like a flower, I will stick my beak into it!”

Fact: Marvin Stone who patented the drinking straws first used it as a plastic cigarette holder!

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Snail using a drinking straw
Snail using a drinking straw

6 – “Oh my it has been a hard day, I moved a whole meter!”

Fact: Joseph B. Friedman made a major advancement in drinking straws called “The Bendy straw”, which he created by moulding a paper straw around the grooves of a screw.

Sumatran orangutan using a drinking straw
Sumatran orangutan using a drinking straw

5 – “A quick juice break then back to throwing my poop at the humans.”

Fact: The plastic “drinking tube” was patented way back in 1937.

Moose using a drinking straw
Moose using a drinking straw

4 – “Frappa-mooseo-chino? I love those!”

Fact: Frustrated with how naturally grown straws began to disintegrate in beverages, Marvin Stone invented a wax-coated paper straw way back in 1888.

Cat using a drinking straw
Cat using a drinking straw

3 – “Nothing better than cold, fresh milk before sleep.”

Fact: In 19th-century America, people used naturally hollow rye grass as straws!

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Squirrel using a drinking straw
Squirrel using a drinking straw

2 – “Hazelnut milkshakes are just the best!

Fact: Archaeologists discovered a gold and lapis lazuli drinking straw in a Sumerian tomb!

Dog using a drinking straw
Dog using a drinking straw

1 –  They call me super slurp!

Fact: The drinking straw dates to the ancient Sumerians, who used them to drink beer, in fact, one was found inside a sealed tomb that is said to be sealed from 3100 B.C!

Author: Gus Barge

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